"You are not a drop in the ocean,
you are the ocean in a drop."
- Rumi -
Anna-Maria Otte, I live, breathe and thrive in Cologne... when I'm not elsewhere. I like it simple and colorful, gentle and powerful, calm and wild, serious and funny, I love magic and mathematics.
I enjoy opening my heart and other hearts, and I love sharing my knowledge and emotions. In 2008 my yoga journey began in the wonderful land of India, where yoga originated from and I still wander through its landscapes regularly. I gradually realised the dimensions and forces behind our thoughts; how they limit us, and how yoga is a wonderful path to break through these boundaries. Yoga has been a constant companion that has transformed and enriched my life significantly.
Since 2011, I have been living and loving Aṣṭāṅga Vinyasa Yoga. In 2017, I gradually started teaching, alongside my profession as a trained interior architect, working on set design for film projects. In 2019, I completed my 2,5-year Aṣṭāṅga Vinyasa Yoga teacher training under Heike Katharina Schmidt (authorized by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois).
This was followed by further trainings in Mantra Yoga, Trauma-Sensitive Yoga, Prison Yoga, Business Yoga, as well as training in Pranayama. In 2023, I embarked on another Aṣṭāṅga Teacher Training with my teacher Vijay Kumar in Mysore, India.
As much as I value my own practice and studies, I equally adore sharing my wealth of experience while remaining an eternal student. Constantly re-assessing what is right for today. Staying adaptable in body, mind, and soul.
Since 2023, I have been working as a full-time yoga teacher. I share my experiences with great joy and as authentically rooted in India as possible but infused with my personal touch. If necessary, I deviate from the prescribed sequences, following Krishnamacharya's principle of 'teaching what is appropriate for the individual`. Customized and personalized guidance is close to my heart. I create a space where you feel safe and supported to explore and expand your own yoga practice.
I enjoy working in one-on-one settings or with small groups of participants, preferably in the “Mysore Style” format - ‘individually guided group instruction.' Together, we tailor the yoga practice to your needs. Through 'hands-on' adjustments, I support your healthy alignment and provide cues for letting go where needed. My aim is for you to find self-observation and tranquillity, setting the stage for a wonderful yoga journey.
At this point, I extend my deepest gratitude to all the wonderful individuals and teachers who have inspired, guided, influenced, and touched me on my yoga journey. Foremost among them is Heike Katharina Schmidt from Cologne, as well as Vijay Kumar from Mysore, India.
Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Pattabhi Jois
B.K.S. Iyengar
Interested in experiencing Indian energy ?
Interview with my yoga teacher from Mysore, Vijay Kumar:

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